Thank you sooooo much for having us be a part of your special day! We greatly appreciate you taking the time to visit this page. Reviews mean a LOT to us, they are the marketing engine that drives our business. Being as detailed as possible, and providing reasons why booking with specifically Cool Cat made your day extra special, are amazing!

If you have feedback or concerns that you'd like to give to the owner before writing a review, please directly contact him at or feel free to call/text at 518-328-3654. While it is rare that we run into any problems, we genuinely care to go far out of our way to resolve them. 

Wedding Reviews

(ordered by marketing importance for us...but the more the better!):

1. WeddingWire

2. The Knot

3. Facebook

Other Event Reviews:

(ordered by marketing importance for us...but the more the better!):

1. EventWire

2. Facebook

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